So anyway, after dropping off everyone who had plans that evening, I spent the evening with my parents. It was nice to see them. It was a wonderful visit, a sweet wedding and we had a great time with my family! I really miss them. The whole reason we travelled to the Big City was because my sister was getting married. So with only a few days in there we also planned to go see my husband's family. So after the wedding, the next morning we packed it up again and spent another 5 1/2 hours heading north. Our 17 yr old nephew had just returned home from basic training, (not camp) from the National Guard so the whole family got together to celebrate his return!!
As I write this post I realized I didn't take many pictures. Well, I sorta forgot my camera card (long story) but my sweet husband replaced it. Still didn't get as many pictures as I should have. I guess I was so busy I didn't have much time or opportunity to take many. I should be shot!!! Not really!!! It was a very fast paced weekend with lots of traveling. So fast in fact, we didn't get to see many of our friends. And for that I am sorry! It may be awhile before we make it down again but we will try to fit in more people next time!
Here are all the cousins playing a game. This is what we do when we get together: play games, visit, eat, play more games. It can get brutal at times. I did take more pictures than this but Dennis' aunt was threatening to sue anyone who put her on the thought I'd leave her out. Sadly, she was in most of my pictures!!! Hahaaa! Oh well!
I also got like, 3 pictures of my sister before the wedding but she would most likely kill me if I posted them so I decided I'd leave them off and go with the safety of my life. Besides, my words are just as entertaining as my right? Right? Hello????
Anyway, we had a great trip and got home safely. We managed to avoid driving in all the bad weather around the state.
But we certainly didn't miss it before we left. A storm blew in Thursday night shortly home. By then the wind was blowing around 65 mph-- I'm not kidding-- and it was hailing and raining and lightning and was just a mess, so I called him to tell him to stay at the hospital until it blew over but he was already half way home in the middle of it! He made a short comment on having to go find his bumper and while I laughed nervously and told him to be careful, he said, "You think I'm kidding but I'm not!!! My bumper just flew past me!!!" He got home safely but without his bumper!
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