Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Black Widow vs. Tornado

Because we've been in a severe drought since November, we have not felt a need to open, inspect, clean or check our storm shelter.  Well, we had some family visiting this last weekend and they randomly opened the storm shelter door and the whole entrance to the stairs leading to the safest place to be during a storm or tornado was-I kid you not-totally blocked by a spider web.  Oh. My. Gosh.

Here was the great architect:

 Do you happen to recognize this black spider with an egg sack larger than her body????  Oh. My. Gosh.  So we joked about the issue of being able to run down the stairs to safety while a tornado comes crashing through the house.  Would we be able to walk through said spider web knowing this big BLACK WIDOW was hunkering down waiting for her next pray????

 Yes.  It is a black widow.  The fist one, thankfully, we've seen while living here in the country.  The fist one I've seen in my life actually.
 Yes she has an egg sack with lots of little black widows as well.  I just can't say I would be able to run through that web knowing she's hanging there waiting to drop.  Seriously...I just shivered.
 Can you see that scorpion shell in the background?  The widow sucked the juices from the scorpion.  Can you just imagine that for a second?
So what did we do? Did we immediately clean out the shelter?  Because even though we have had record high temps and no rain worth speaking of or even looking forward to in the future we will eventually need it.  It would be the responsible thing to do as parents of four children and two pets. Well, we shut the door and talked about throwing a fogger down there even though I doubt fog will kill a spider that SUCKED THE JUICES OUT OF A SCORPION!!!! So what to do? 

Send the kids to find and kill the spider and pull down the web?  I think not.  Even though they stink, eat alot, and leave messes everywhere I'm rather fond of them.  Any suggestions?

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