You can't really tell because of the sun but they are all really excited about being here!
They started off with the Pledge of Allegiance and then these sweet ladies played The Star Spangled Banner on these hand bells. It was really beautiful and different.
Then The African Drum Crew entertained us. It was very cool. When they played you couldn't help but move your body to the your feet. Sorry. I can't help stuff that pops out like that.
Now before you get any crazy ideas about this little town...they have men dress up in women's clothing and they go around to the crowd asking for dontations for the cause. They tried to talk my husband into that...hahahaaaaa! Right! Like that would ever happen! This guy totally caught me taking his picture even though I was trying to be all ninja! Um...okay...please carry on with your crazy ideas...
Here's Ryan, Gabby and Dylan walking the track. The weather was good. It was warm but the wind was blowing, as it always does here, which kept it pretty cool and the pests away.
Oh! By the way...Just in case you ever want to know...
This is what a pink paintball looks like when a paintball gun "accidentally" goes off inside the house.
Yep. It got on my quilt too. It washes out pretty easily and wipes off the walls and dresser and floor really easy too. Not so easy to get off the chalky ceiling though.
I'll let you decided who "accidentally" shot the gun....
Love the quotation marks for "accidental"