Thursday, June 17, 2010

Storm Shelter

Last night we were supposed to go see a fireworks show in a town about 25 miles away. We made the drive out there only to discover that the show was tonight...hehe. So we picked up ice cream cones for everyone and drove back home! My point is I was going to do a post on the fireworks today but since we didn't see any, I thought I would show you guys our storm shelter.

Since we're from the big city we have never seen a storm shelter much less even know they existed really. In the big city we never really had any weather that would require any kind of shelter. So when we moved up here and saw that such a big part of the planning of the house went into the storm shelter we thought it curious and a little red flag popped up in my head.

The little shelter sits just to the side of the house directly in line of the door. That's convenient isn't it?

The storm shelter and I have sort of a love hate relationship. I hate how unsightly it is but I love that it's there when we need it to keep us safe from severe weather and especially...tornadoes!!!

It's not really all that pretty but I'd take it during a storm any day. There is a flower bed in front of it that has that vine that is growing out of control. That's the vine I was pulling the other day when I found that brown spider so I abandoned that. As far as I know the little guy still resides there.

Here's Ryan opening the door. He volunteered to help me today. I hate the loud screeching of the pulleys as the door is being opened or closed but love that it is weighted down to help keep it closed in the case of severe weather or...tornadoes!!!!

Hi Ryan!! Okay, why don't you go on down into the damp, dark, moist, bug infested shelter and I'll follow after you get the lights on and let me know it's all clear. "Aw mama, do I hafta?" Hey!!! I gotta take the pictures okay???? Geez!

Be careful honey!! As you can see the stairs are dark but there is a light switch at the bottom. The stairs are also covered with grass, dirt and ~shudders~ bugs! This is where I believe that during severe weather or...tornadoes!!!..I will be so scared out of my mind I won't mind running underground into a cement room and locking myself in with who-knows-what kind of creepy crawlies...heh heh....

Isn't that lovely? It's a little damp because we've had a little bit of rain and it smells musty.

Here I round the corner from the stairs and it's a flashback to the 70's!!!

Outdated kitchen chairs and a pack n play. Most of it is worn and a little moldy but it will probably be nice to be able to sit on something other than the ground since there are bugs EVERYWHERE!!! I'm beginning to think I may have some kind of bug phobia!! I am relieved they are all dead though.

A cute little bench with some lawn chairs. Not sure how many people would use this shelter since it's right by our house but I'd welcome anyone who needed it...there's plenty of seating!

Not sure I'd trust that plug. That pipe is our air from above the ground.

Not sure what happened here but the stuffings coming out! I call NOT sitting on this chair in case of severe weather or...tornadoes!!!!

Here is a little shelf that has a few survival items in it. I can say it probably needs to be updated a little...

Hmmmm....what's in there anyway????

This was already in here folks...candles, matches in a bag inside a glass jar, toilet paper...wait a minute!!!! Toilet paper???? How long are we going to be down here anyway????

Going to have to get some flashlights and water down here too I guess. Maybe a game?? Any ideas???

EEEKKKKK!!!! Spider alert!!! It's okay! He was dead. Actually...all the bugs down here are dead...that's a little disturbing...hmmm....

I swept up all the dead bugs and grass and dirt and I've had about enough of this place!

Time to go! Ahhh...daylight and blue sky. I hope to never have to use this shelter but I can't ignore that it's here for a reason. So far the severe weather and ...tornadoes!!!! have missed us completely while other areas of the state have been hit pretty hard.

So there you have it. Oh...and if anyone has any ideas on how we're going to get our dog, Buzz down here...sharing is caring!!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! Some of things you need for a storm shelter are convenience and accessibility in the event of a tornado. You're right, you need to update some of those supplies soon. You never know when you get to use the shelter. Strange that all the bugs are dead already for some reason, isn't it? Anyway, you can use that shelter for temporary storage as well.

