After we had inches and inches and days and days of rain, our yard was high and thick. So thick and high that with only one push mower it has taken us a week to get it done. See our push mower is dead and the one we borrowed is the only one we are able to use. We are seriously looking into getting a riding mower. It was so thick that we had to raise it to the highest setting which meant we had to then go back over it on the lowest. My boys were so happy about that they jumped up and down and sang praises! Let it be known that I was the one who mowed the first two days!!
So after 7 days of mowing, it was pay day! You don't seriously think we pay our kids money do you? Heck No!!! We give 'em what they really want!!!
Oh yeah! Speeding on a dirt bike is what they really want! They don't want no stinkin' money!
Sliding and dounuts is what they really want! Money is for sissies!
Even Dad gets in on the fun! He helped mow and weed eat. He also rebuilt the dirt bike and four wheeler so they worked! On second thought, it might be cheaper to just pay them money. Gas is expensive dangit! Plus it freaks a momma out seeing her babies zipping by!
Living large in the country is what we're all about!!
Living large in the country is what we're all about!!
theres another good thing about the country side:SPACE! I hav a four wheeler too but its kinda hard riding it up n' down a 2 streeted neighborhood(not to mention the cars) But riding it in all that room looks like fun...did you get to have any fun with it? haha