Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Something Wicked This Way Comes

This week has been hot, hot, hot!!!! See, last week I was gloating to my dad and sending him texts about our glorious weather up here. The weather has been mild. Like in the mid 80's with lows in the upper 60's.

Where we lived in the big city it was hot! We had 2 seasons...Hot and not-so-hot. If you've ever lived in Texas you know what I mean! So when we moved to the country, I was excited to hear there is an actual winter here and it snows from time to time!!! I figured the summers would also be cooler... didn't take long for our mild weather to leave and now we are hotter here than where we moved from!!! Lawd have mercy!!! There's a lesson in there somewhere...

So do you remember that movie that came out in the early 80's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" directed by Jack Clayton and it was based on the novel by Ray Bradbury. We watched it so many times when I was a kid because my dad liked it. We liked it too even though some parts were a little bit too scary for us. Well, scary for my sister. She would always leave when things got too exciting!! I wasn't scared at all. Nope. It couldn't be helped that my bladder needed to be emptied right at the scary moments!!!

The reason I mention this movie was because the other night I went outside to see the sunset as I like to do when I saw this:

Look familiar? It sort of looks like the clouds when the storm was rolling in right? I mean, I can't really remember many things too well these days on account of my brain being overloaded (certainly NOT because I'm getting older) but this is what I thought of. Sorry but I can't be responsible about what's in my brain...

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." And who didn't love Jason Robards?

Another movie that came to mind was "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". You know right when the mother ship shows herself to the people? I was a little nervous...heh...sorta waiting for something to pop out of there...

It was just a storm north of us. Lot's of lightening but it didn't come close to us. Just passed on through. And allowed me to entertain myself thinking about all these freaky, scary movies! "War of the Worlds", "Independence Day"...

All those movies started with something freaky like this I tell ya!!!

Speaking of something wicked coming our way:

Good Grief!!! This is Trixie. One of our new cats. That's right!!! I said ONE.

So here's the story: My husband's boss has a cat and decided to adopt a kitty to keep her company because they lost one of their beloved felines and they were a little down about it. He picked up three kittens from the shelter and after a day....A DAY!!! asked if we would like to adopt one or two kittens.

Now I am not ashamed to say I am not an animal person. I don't have anything personal against them but I take care of 5 other people in this family and can barely squeeze in any me time as it is, so animals just take more out of me than I have to give because it's me who usually cleans up puke and poop caused by said animals. We have a dog already that I had to be talked into and he has turned out to be the best dog a family could ask for! Buzz is a one of a kind dog. But I swore I would NEVER be a cat owner.

"They would be really great hunters" they said. "They would keep your pests and mice at bay" they said. We are having creepy crawlie problems and even though I haven't personally seen them with my own eyes, there has to be field mice out and about. I mean, we do live up against a field...

So...never say never apparently, because I not only own one cat...I own TWO!!! They are about 2 months old and...cute as kittens. Hahaa! You know I had to say it!

This is Rex. Since we have Buzz we named these little guys after characters from Toy Story also. Buzz, Trixie and Rex.

I have to say I really find these guys cute! I can't lie: I like them and maybe even...(gulp) love them!

Another reason I never had cats was because my poor mom is very allergic to them. So if I ever wanted her to come visit me we had to have a no cat zone. Not that I don't want her to visit me's just we live 8 hours away from them. And if she ever does come visit, well, I guess I'll deal with it then.

They are much cuter than I thought they'd be. We have to keep them indoors for a couple of months and then they'll be let loose! Hunter cats is what they'll be!!! They are American Bobtail Cats. The hunter bobcat with the house cat disposition.

Yes dangit! Rex is in our bed...but not overnight. He's just cat napping.

Have you ever slept like this? Awww....all spread out and cuddly.

We've only had them for 2 days but for sure in about 3 or 4 months...they are outside!!!!

Seriously!!! Outside hunting cats!!!! NOT indoor cats. I mean it!!!! I've made up my mind!!! It's a done deal I tell ya!! DONE!!!!


  1. AWWWWWW! soooooooo cute! those are the cutest pair of liitle kittens iv ever seen! but i dont know...they seem a little lazy to be hunting cats ;) good luck

  2. The only reason there are so many pictures of them asleep is because when they are awake, they are moving constantly! They come out as a blur when I try to take a picture of them awake...haha!
